Corporate Internet Banking

Merchant Payments by Corporates

What is a Merchant Payment Limit?

  1. Merchant Pre-Approved Transaction (MPAT) Limit is a transaction limit (maximum amount which can be paid online at merchant website) set by maker and checker of a corporate in advance before making merchant payments. Actual payment can take place only if sufficient balance is available in the account.
  2. Once MPAT is set, it will be valid up to maximum 10 days for payment.
  3. By creating a Merchant Payment Limit, payments of utility bills/taxes can be made at merchant websites in a single session (without maker checker process) up to the balance available in the Merchant Payment Limit. Since the limit is already pre-approved by the authorizer, there will be no need for multiple users to login and authorize the merchant transactions. Once MPAT limit is set, the authorizer of MPAT Limit can initiate payment directly in a single step by visiting the merchant website.

MPAT limit types

Corporate can choose one of below MPAT limit types

  1. Generic Limit: It is a common pooled limit amount which can be used for payment to any of the merchant added by corporate. This can be used when corporate does not want to setup MPAT limit for each merchant.
  2. Merchant Specific Limit : This can be used when corporate wants to set up separate transaction limits for separate merchants added by corporate.

PS : At a time corporate can have only one type of limit. For detailed example of limit type and usage, please read the Process Advisory available in your internet banking

What are the steps to create MPAT ?

Follow the 3 simple steps for making your payment

Step 1 : Administrator to add the merchant and set Limit Type in "Manage Beneficiary> Merchant > Set Limit and Add Merchant Tab". It is one time process.
Step 2: Corporate User to create the Merchant Payment Limit in "Merchant Limit > Create Merchant Limit" using any one of the accounts mapped to him/her.
Step 3: The Authorizer for that account has to authorize the Merchant Payment Limit within 7 days in "Merchant Limit > Authorize Inbox".

The Authorizer has to be different from the user who has created the Merchant Payment Limit. The Authorizer can set Merchant Payment Limit validity up to maximum 10 days from the date of authorization for making payment. Now the same Authorizer can go to the Merchant Site and make the payment directly.

Now the same Authorizer can go to the Merchant Site and make the payment directly.

View the list of Merchants available for making online payment